Recent Talks
Invited Talks
Cedars Sinai Accelerator, Engagement with Mobile Health (mHealth) Technology. August 18, 2023.
Division of Informatics Ground Rounds, Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, Digital Nudging for Better Health. July 26, 2023.
Design Lab, University of California San Diego. Digital Nudging for Engagement. June 7, 2023.
Truth Initiative, Baruch College. Digital Nudging: Using Technology to Nudge for Good. May 10, 2023.
Department of Information Systems and Statistics, Baruch College. Digital Nudging: Using Technology to Nudge for Good. May 10, 2023.
Cedars-Sinai Division of Population Science. Behavioral Economics and Nudge in Healthcare. January 3, 2023.
Clalit Innovation, Israel. Mobile Health (mHealth) and Behavioral Design. January 3, 2023.
Department of Psychology, Bar Ilan University. Digital Nudging: Using Technology to Nudge for Good. December 29,
IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM) workshop on AI for Nudging and Personalization. Digital Nudging: Personalization and Optimization. November 28, 2022.
Cedars-Sinai Health Delivery Science Program. Evaluating and Optimizing Digital Interventions. November 22, 2022.
Department of Psychology, University of California Riverside. Mobile Health and the Digital Marshmallow Test (DMT). November 2, 2022.
ArtCenter College of Design Designmatters Studio. Digital Interventions for Smoking Cessation. May 18, 2022.
Center for Digital Health Interventions, ETH Zurich, Singapore-ETH Center, and University of St.Gallen. Digital Nudges and Screen Time. April 22, 2021.
Behavioral Insights Global (BIG) Seminar. Digital Nudges and Screen Time. January 28, 2021.
Weill Cornell Medicine. Behavior Change Technologies. June 20, 2020
Digital Life Initiative (DLI) Seminar. Behavioral Science in the Digital Economy. February 26, 2020.
Linköping University Judgment, Emotion, Decision & Intuition (JEDI) Seminar. Sweden. Behavior Change Technologies. September 18, 2019.
IBM Computational Health Seminar. Digital Nudges for Better Productivity and Health. March 14, 2019.
Technion Industrial Engineering and Management. Small Data Technologies to Study, Personalize and Change Behavior. May 29, 2018.
Uppsala University Department of Information Technology. Small Data Technologies to Study, Personalize and Change Behavior. January 10, 2018.
SWPS University of Social Science and Humanities. Beehive: Research Platform for Human Behavior Studies. October 18, 2017.
Fordham University Applied Psychometrics Seminar. Beehive: Research Platform for Human Behavior Studies. September 27, 2017.
Conference Talks
Behavioral Transformations. Patient Preferences and Choice in Clinical Trials. June 28, 2024.
HITLAB Innovators Summit 2023, Design for Engagement. Nov 30, 2023.
2023 Advances with Field Experiments (AFE), Patient Preferences Design in Clinical Trials. Sep 21, 2023.
The Second International Behavioral Public Policy Conference. Online Choice Architecture. Sep 6, 2023.
UConn mHealth Conference. Time-varying Model of Digital Self-reporting. May 19, 2023.
Behavioral Science and Policy (BSPA). Online Choice Architecture. May 4, 2023.
44th Annual Meeting & Scientific Sessions of the Society of Behavioral Medicine (SBM). Time-varying Model of Digital Self-reporting. April 26, 2023.
The 18th International Conference on Persuasive Technology 2023 Conference. mRAPID: Effect of Micro-incentives and Daily Deadlines on Practice Behavior. April 20, 2023.
Agent of Change Summit 2023. Redesign Digital Interventions for Engagement. March 6, 2023.
Society for Advancement of Behavioral Economics (SABE) 2022. Medication Adherence and Mobile Health Technology. Aug 9, 2022.
Behavioral Science Summit. QuitSmart LA: Optimizing Digital Intervention for Smoking Cessation. July 16, 2022.
43rd Annual Meeting & Scientific Sessions of the Society of Behavioral Medicine (SBM). Food Addiction and Daily Emotion: Ecological Momentary Assessment Study. April 7, 2022.
Society for Judgment and Decision-making (SJDM) 2021. Digital Nudges for Screen Time Reduction: A Field Study. Feb 10, 2022.
Technology, Mind and Society (TMS) 2021. The Smartphone Dilemma: Towards Digital Wellbeing. Nov 5, 2021.
European Marketing Academy (EMAC) 2021. Digital Nudges for Screen Time Reduction: A Randomized Control Trial with Performance and Wellbeing Outcomes. May 25, 2021.
42nd Annual Meeting & Scientific Sessions of the Society of Behavioral Medicine (SBM). Digital Marshmallow Test (DMT). April 12, 2021.
42nd Annual Meeting & Scientific Sessions of the Society of Behavioral Medicine (SBM). Headspace, Stress and Engagement: A Micro-randomized trial among parents. April 12, 2021.
2020 Association for Consumer Research Conference (ACR). Digital Nudging for Screen Time Reduction. October 15, 2020.
Health Experience Design (HXD) 2020 Conference. Designing for Mental Health. April 15, 2020
Subjective Probability, Utility, and Decision Making (SPUDM) 2019. Personalized Digital Nudge for Digital Consumption. August 21, 2019.
Technology, Mind and Society (TMS) 2018 Conference. Toward a Framework for Mobile Behavior Change Research. April 6, 2018.
Workshop and Conferences
AAAI-23 Workshop on AI For Behavior Change (AI4BC). Collocated with the Thirty-Seven AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-23). February 7, 2023. AI4BC Website
Behavioral Data Science Symposium. Technion - Israel Institute of Technology. Jan 1, 2023.
2nd Workshop on Healthy Interfaces (HEALTHI). Collocated with the 26th ACM Annual Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces (IUI) – Where HCI meets AI. April 14, 2022. HEALTHI Website
AAAI-22 Workshop on AI For Behavior Change (AI4BC). Collocated with the Thirty-Sixth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-22). February 21, 2022. AI4BC Website
Workshop on Future of Digital Biomarkers (DigiBiom). Collocated with the 19th ACM Annual Conference on Mobile Systems, Applications, and Services (MobiSys). June 24, 2021. DigiBiom Website
1st Workshop on Healthy Interfaces (HEALTHI). Collocated with the 26th ACM Annual Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces (IUI) – Where HCI meets AI. April 14, 2021. HEALTHI Website